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This is the Water

Posted: 27 June 2017, 12:07
by Bronislas
I was wondering if the "poem" (?) at the end of the episode was a citation or something completely new.
There were a lot of poems in the first two seasons :
If it is something new, I was thinking that the "drink full" sentence could refer to the fact that the strange creature was someway eaten by the young girl.

Re: This is the Water

Posted: 27 June 2017, 17:57
by troybob
my understanding about the 'fire walk with me' phrase (also part of a poem) is that it is an incantation that opens a door for spirits from the black lodge to enter the real world (which is why it was written down on the scraps of paper, to get people to say it out loud). in this case, it seems like the poem is an incantation that puts people to sleep (i think the woodsmen were coordinating with bob to put people in the town to sleep to give him a chance to be implanted into one of them, the process of making him into human form).